Calendar - Month View
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They meet by Zoom on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. People interested can contact Sandra Skowron and she will send the link. They critique up to 20 double-spaced pages at each meeting.
First Reform Church of Christ
The Danville Critique group is meeting at a two locations. They meet at First Reform Church of Christ, 301 W. 2nd St. Berwick, PA on the first Wednesday and at Christ Memorial Episcopal Church in Danville on the third Wednesday. All meetings at 7PM. Contact Dave Freas with any questions.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Meets from 2-4 p.m. on Thursdays via Zoom. Work-in progress up to 12 pages must be emailed ahead. Contact Janet Pierce for information.
Every Thursday evening, Fellowship Of The Quill (FOTQ) is currently meeting on Zoom, starting at 6PM Leader: Todd Main
The Mindful Writers meet every Friday for a write-in at Panera‘s, 942 Freeport Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (Fox Chapel), from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the backroom. The meeting is opened with a short mindful CD selection, after which people write silently. You can come and leave at any point during this meeting that many Pennwriters attend. Contact Larry Ivkovich at for more information.
1st Saturday of each month, MVP (Meadville Vicinity Pennwriters), Meets at Saegertown Area Library and on Zoom.
Leader: Janet Wells
This group meets at Saegertown Area Library and on zoom from noon to 3:30 the first Saturday of the month. Leader: Janet Wells
Sunday Night Write-in on Zoom 7PM to 9PM contact Leader Fritze Roberts.
NOTE: Goal of night is to encourage each other to get words on the page and help silence our “inner” editor.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
A critique group of various genres meets on Zoom the first Monday of the month except for on holidays. Contact Terry Friedman for more information.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Murrysville Panera‘s Group meets every Tuesday at 9 a.m. to work on their current projects and critique work. Contact Carol Silvis at or drop in if you are interested.
1st Tuesday, Inkwell Meeting: 6:00 p.m. Zoom featuring guest speakers or shared readings for January, February, and March. April through December meetings are in-person, location TBD.
For more information, contact Jennifer D. Diamond.
Get your book published and available for sale in bookstores and online. Learn the pros and cons of self-publishing and whether it is appropriate for you. Explore the differences between self-publishing, vanity publishing and lightning press. Find out how to make your book indistinguishable from a title published by a large press.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Meets from 2-4 p.m. on Thursdays via Zoom. Work-in progress up to 12 pages must be emailed ahead. Contact Janet Pierce for information.
Every Thursday evening, Fellowship Of The Quill (FOTQ) is currently meeting on Zoom, starting at 6PM Leader: Todd Main
The Mindful Writers meet every Friday for a write-in at Panera‘s, 942 Freeport Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (Fox Chapel), from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the backroom. The meeting is opened with a short mindful CD selection, after which people write silently. You can come and leave at any point during this meeting that many Pennwriters attend. Contact Larry Ivkovich at for more information.
2nd Saturday of each month, EVP (Erie Vicinity Pennwriters), Meets at the Erie Library Millcreek Branch –Suite 280, 1-4 PM. Leader: Todd Main
Sunday Night Write-in on Zoom 7PM to 9PM contact Leader Fritze Roberts.
NOTE: Goal of night is to encourage each other to get words on the page and help silence our “inner” editor.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Writers at Work is a monthly writing group meeting in the North Hills. It is an assignment-based group mostly focusing on flash fiction, facilitated for over 16 years by Hanna Haatainen-Caye. They meet the second Monday of the month from 7-9 p.m. in Ross Township. The group is open to writers of all levels. Contact Hana at or 412-364-0877.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Murrysville Panera‘s Group meets every Tuesday at 9 a.m. to work on their current projects and critique work. Contact Carol Silvis at or drop in if you are interested.
Get your book published and available for sale in bookstores and online. Learn the pros and cons of self-publishing and whether it is appropriate for you. Explore the differences between self-publishing, vanity publishing and lightning press. Find out how to make your book indistinguishable from a title published by a large press.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Christ Memorial Episcopal Church
The Danville Critique group is meeting at a two locations. They meet at First Reform Church of Christ, 301 W. 2nd St. Berwick, PA on the first Wednesday and at Christ Memorial Episcopal Church in Danville on the third Wednesday. All meetings at 7PM. Contact Dave Freas with any questions.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Meets from 2-4 p.m. on Thursdays via Zoom. Work-in progress up to 12 pages must be emailed ahead. Contact Janet Pierce for information.
Every Thursday evening, Fellowship Of The Quill (FOTQ) is currently meeting on Zoom, starting at 6PM Leader: Todd Main
The Mindful Writers meet every Friday for a write-in at Panera‘s, 942 Freeport Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (Fox Chapel), from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the backroom. The meeting is opened with a short mindful CD selection, after which people write silently. You can come and leave at any point during this meeting that many Pennwriters attend. Contact Larry Ivkovich at for more information.
3rd Saturday of each month, SVP (Shenango Valley Pennwriters), Currently meeting online. Leader: Catherine E. McLean
Sunday Night Write-in on Zoom 7PM to 9PM contact Leader Fritze Roberts.
NOTE: Goal of night is to encourage each other to get words on the page and help silence our “inner” editor.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
York County Critique Group
Contact Hermina Boyle
Monthly, usually the third Tuesday of the month
Online only: Contact coordinator for instructions and link
Murrysville Panera‘s Group meets every Tuesday at 9 a.m. to work on their current projects and critique work. Contact Carol Silvis at or drop in if you are interested.
Get your book published and available for sale in bookstores and online. Learn the pros and cons of self-publishing and whether it is appropriate for you. Explore the differences between self-publishing, vanity publishing and lightning press. Find out how to make your book indistinguishable from a title published by a large press.
Fourth Wednesday Critique Group Online
Contact Amy Gunarich
Monthly exchange and review via Google Docs
Online only: Contact coordinator for instructions and link
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
New Cumberland Library’s back annex
4th Wednesday Write‘s Group In-Person
Bring 10 copies of up to 5 pages, double-spaced. All genres welcome.
Contact Tina Crone
Meets 4th Wednesdays from 6-9 p.m. at the New Cumberland Library’s back annex
(1 Benjamin Plaza, New Cumberland). Please note: the group only meets based upon monthly need. Please email Tina if you plan to attend on a given month
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Meets from 2-4 p.m. on Thursdays via Zoom. Work-in progress up to 12 pages must be emailed ahead. Contact Janet Pierce for information.
Every Thursday evening, Fellowship Of The Quill (FOTQ) is currently meeting on Zoom, starting at 6PM Leader: Todd Main
The Mindful Writers meet every Friday for a write-in at Panera‘s, 942 Freeport Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (Fox Chapel), from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the backroom. The meeting is opened with a short mindful CD selection, after which people write silently. You can come and leave at any point during this meeting that many Pennwriters attend. Contact Larry Ivkovich at for more information.
4th Saturday of each month, EVP, Barnes & Noble (Peach Street, Erie), 1-4 PM. Leader: Todd Main
Sunday Night Write-in on Zoom 7PM to 9PM contact Leader Fritze Roberts.
NOTE: Goal of night is to encourage each other to get words on the page and help silence our “inner” editor.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Murrysville Panera‘s Group meets every Tuesday at 9 a.m. to work on their current projects and critique work. Contact Carol Silvis at or drop in if you are interested.
Get your book published and available for sale in bookstores and online. Learn the pros and cons of self-publishing and whether it is appropriate for you. Explore the differences between self-publishing, vanity publishing and lightning press. Find out how to make your book indistinguishable from a title published by a large press.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Timons Esaias hosts this write-in Monday thru Thursday mornings. If you are interested, please contact Timons at for details. This is an opportunity to get in some writing time with fellow Pennwriters.
Last Thursday of the Month Coffee and Conversation at the Barnes & Noble Café at Settlers Ridge. Join us to have a cup of coffee and open conversation about anything writing or publishing related. As always, weather can be an issue this time of year, so email Annette Dashofy at if the roads are questionable that morning.
Meets from 2-4 p.m. on Thursdays via Zoom. Work-in progress up to 12 pages must be emailed ahead. Contact Janet Pierce for information.
Every Thursday evening, Fellowship Of The Quill (FOTQ) is currently meeting on Zoom, starting at 6PM Leader: Todd Main
The Mindful Writers meet every Friday for a write-in at Panera‘s, 942 Freeport Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (Fox Chapel), from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the backroom. The meeting is opened with a short mindful CD selection, after which people write silently. You can come and leave at any point during this meeting that many Pennwriters attend. Contact Larry Ivkovich at for more information.